Wednesday, August 20, 2008


So becky and I have signed up for Karate at the Bobby Lawrence Karate studio in Saratoga Springs. We are learning our first kata form and some fun kicks and basic self-defense moves.

The first kata that we are learning is called Taikyoku Shodan. We have been learning the moves very slowly, which is good to start with, but I have gotten impatient after mastering the first 3 directions of the 7 total directions. I started googling for instructions on how to do all of the remaining directions and found someone's personal site that had good, step-by-step instructions on how to do the full kata. Unfortunately he got his east and west mixed up while explaining the first move, but it still helped me be able to move on in my mastery of the kata.

I am blogging from my phone right now, so I will have to post the instructions (with the east and west fixed) later.


Enjoying the Little Things in Life said...

Ok ryan where are some pictures????? I would like to see what my nieces and nephews look like. I also need to update my blog more frequently as well. Here is my link.
you can add to your blog site if you want to.

Brenda Meadows

Ryan said...

I'm working on it. I am writing an app that will allow me to post blogs and add photos easily from my phone. I might actually get some photos up here with that.